* Making reservations for packages signifies your acceptance of out TERMS & CONDITIONS CONDITIONS

* All payment made to Dream Travel with J are non-refundable and non-transferable due to contractual agreements we have with hotels, airlines and other vendors which will not allow any refunds. 

* Passengers are responsible for ensuring they have the proper documents necessary to travel. Passengers must check with respective consulate (s), visas agency to determine if visa is required including non-US citizens. Passport are required to be valid at lease 6 months after months of travel. Some countries required a full blank "Visa" page in passport for stamping. Reservations must be made in FULL NAME as it appears in passport.

* Rewards points is at the discretion of the hotel.

* Seat selections is at the discretions of airlines.

* Prices are subject to change without notice, please make your reservations early to lock in price.

* Monthly payments are required to keep reservations current. Ensure that your roommate are making monthly payments on time.

There is a $100 fee for name change up until the final payment date, $250 plus vendor fees after final payment.

* $250 Late payment per person after final due date and will be automictically added to your reservation after final due date.

* Send questions & request regarding late fees must be made in writing to dreamtravelbyj@gmail.com

* Late payment requests must be approve by Dream Travel by J before final payment.

* We recommend travel insurance as we are not responsible for any disruptions (delays, missed flights/connections, interruptions, loss of baggage, medical expense or more.